Painless Circumcision

Circumcision refers to the surgical removal of a fold of skin (foreskin) covering the head of the penis (glans). It is performed under local anesthesia and can be performed on any patient.

Circumcision is generally safe, and most infants do not experience pain during or after the surgery. Some individuals, however, may experience some level of discomfort following circumcision.


Circumcision Melbourne requires several forms of anesthesia, the most popular being local injection and sedation.

Compound lidocaine cream can provide effective anesthetic for device-assisted male genital circumcision and provide an alternative to regional anesthesia. EMLA, an oil-in-water emulsion containing high concentrations of lidocaine and prilocaine, spreads easily across intact skin to provide analgesia without needle fear or injection pain.

Circumcision procedures typically last no more than an hour for children over 10 and adults, provided sleep medicine is given beforehand to put them to sleep during the procedure. Once complete, an adhesive ring or plastic clamp will be secured on the penis before antibacterial ointment is applied and loosely wrapped gauze covers are placed over it for antimicrobial purposes – complications during circumcision procedures are extremely rare.


Infant circumcision requires application of numbing cream to the penis and use of local anesthesia; for older boys and adults, local anesthesia combined with sedation (light twilight sleep) may be administered for optimal results.

Prior to surgery, it is advised not to consume or drink anything for at least eight hours prior to circumcision. Aspirin or any blood-thinning medications (including vitamins) should also be avoided as these could compromise clotting of wound after circumcision.

After circumcision, the area must be carefully washed with warm water and salt for several days post-surgery. After showering or bathing, ensure it has been wiped down thoroughly and dried completely before applying a new bandage.

Circumcision can bring many health advantages. In men, circumcision may lower their risks of prostate cancer and herpes/HPV infections while female partners of circumcised men are less likely to contract bacterial vaginosis and venereal warts. Furthermore, circumcision can help children feel more confident about themselves and sexual organs and help reduce any psychological effects caused by abnormalities, such as fear or shame.


At this procedure, patients are seated on a table and the intimate area thoroughly cleaned before anesthesia is administered via direct injection or topical cream to numb it.

Once the patient is comfortable, a clamp or plastic ring is attached to the head of the penis and used to pull off foreskin from its position like diaper. Ointment and gauze/plastic rings will then be applied over any cuts made during surgery.

Most circumcision procedures take less than an hour; however, if there are adhesions or other issues during surgery, the procedure could last longer. Following surgery, most doctors advise patients to refrain from sexual contact and masturbation until the foreskin heals; typically patients can return to regular daily activities and exercises within 24-48 hours with doctor permission, with at least a week being allowed for healing time in this regard.


Circumcision will produce redness and may bleed for several days afterward; this is normal. The plastic ring should fall off within 7-14 days without needing to be pulled; healing of the foreskin over the penis then occurs naturally.

Your penis may experience temporary swelling and bruising immediately after surgery; however, this should not be painful. Pain medication is available if necessary but most don’t. Ice packs placed against your groin help reduce any additional swelling.

Circumcision can produce some yellow-white fluid that will eventually go away on its own or with treatment from an antiseptic ointment, without pus forming in the wound. Circumcision prevents phimosis which can lead to urinary tract infections, skin irritations, difficulty passing urine and erectile dysfunction as well as reduced risk for invasive penile cancer – often linked to history of phimosis. For adult men circumcision also improves sexual function while relieving itching.